Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine- Booth 73

306 Liberty View Ln
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Taylor Blue, Director of Marketing, PR & Web Operations at LUCOM
Liberty University has had a singular vision of developing Christ -centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential for impacting the world for Christ. Liberty University College of Medicine is the second osteopathic college in Virginia. LUCOM has designed a world class student-centered curriculum that is distinctively Christian.
Samaritan’s Purse – World Medical Misson – Booth 72

P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
Leigh Smith, Post Residency Program Coordinator
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. Serving with World Medical Mission opens up extraordinary opportunities for Christian men and women willing to use their professional expertise in areas of great need. As patients walk through the darkest time of their lives, World Medical Mission volunteers have the opportunity to pray and share the gospel with them, ministering to their spiritual needs as they work to treat their physical ailments.
Beacon Wealth Consultants – Booth 71

302 Washington Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
Cassandra Laymon, President
Beacon Wealth Consultants is a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm dedicated to helping Christians invest in alignment with their faith. With a commitment to biblically wise investing, we provide clients with clarity and guidance to make meaningful financial decisions. Our approach centers on investing in companies that promote human flourishing and uphold ethical practices, ensuring that our clients’ portfolios reflect their values. We believe that every Christian deserves the opportunity to steward their resources in a way that honors God.
Love & Truth Network – Booth 74

4410 W. Union Hills Dr. Ste 7 #283
Glendale, AZ 85308
Garry Ingraham, Executive Director
Love & Truth Network equips pastors, leaders and churches in restoring sexual wholeness, genuine community and biblical identity through personalized in-person and virtual leadership training, teaching resources and experiential growth opportunities for individual transforming and supporting others.
Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School – Booth 70

407 Chapel Drive
Durham, NC 27707
Heather Plonk, Program Coordinator
The Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative offers current and future healthcare workers residential and hybrid programs of study that re-imagine and re-engage contemporary practices of healthcare in light of Scripture, Christian tradition and the practices of Christian communities. We seek to empower participants to live out their vocations with clarity, faith and joy.
ABWE – Booth 4
522 Lewisberry Road
New Cumberland, PA 17070
Katie White, Coordinator
Compassionate Care. Communicating Christ. With more than 90 years of experience sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with people around the world, ABWE remains rooted in conservative, baptistic theology while striving to be relevant, effective, creative and adaptable. Healthcare continues to be one of our most effective strategies for bringing the gospel to large numbers of unreached people groups. We have three hospitals and numerous small clinics engaging people with the gospel through healthcare ministry. All of our missionaries receive education and training in essential missions components that identify their strengths and skills—enhancing their capacity to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission.
American College of Family Medicine – Booth 13
Waco Family Medicine, 600 West State Highway 6
Waco, TX 76712
Dr. Matthew Porter
The American College of Family Medicine (ACFM) advocates the principles of Hippocratic Family Medicine: protecting the vulnerable at the beginning and end of life, seeking the ultimate good for the patient with compassion and moral integrity, and providing healthcare with the highest standards of excellence based on medical science.
American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) – Booth
1025 W. Rudisill Blvd., Box 28
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Cathy Deeds, Director of Member Engagement
AAPLOG exists to encourage and equip its members and other medical professionals to provide an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both the pregnant mother and her pre-born child.
American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) – Booth 11
5021 Vernon Ave. S, Ste. 173
Minneapolis, MN 55436-2102
Jackie Montedonico, Executive Administrative Assistant
The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a trusted medical voice on what is best for children, with a specific focus on protecting life, biological integrity, and medical conscience. ACPeds’ strong network of medical professionals provides the latest research and resources on these issues for parents, physicians, and policy makers.
Alliance Defending Freedom – Booth 10
15100 N 90th Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Melanie Trautman, Marketing Manager
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is one of the leading Christian law firms committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights and the sanctity of life. ADF is one of the nation’s most respected and successful United States Supreme Court advocates. We have played various roles in 77 Supreme Court victories. Since 2011, ADF has represented parties in 15 victories at the Supreme Court. These victories have been on behalf of pastors, churches, religious organizations, college students, family-owned businesses, pro-life pregnancy center and many others.
Barnabas Foundation – Booth 18
3801 Eagle Nest Drive, Suite B
Crete, IL 60417
Kurt Knoll, Director of Member Relations
Barnabas Foundation offers comprehensive planned giving support to more than 200 Christian ministries and a network of 800-plus churches. We provide turn-key solutions in the areas of planned giving marketing, gift administration and management, estate planning and staff training. Learn more at www.BarnabasFoundation.org
Blue Trust – Booth 7
1125 Sanctuary Parkway, Suite 500
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Stefanie Humphrey, Communications and Events Coordinator
Blue Trust advisors apply biblical wisdom and technical expertise to help clients make wise financial decisions to experience clarity and confidence and leave a lasting legacy. With $59 billion assets under advisement and a nationwide network of 17 offices, we offer comprehensive financial services and objective advice to more than 10,000 clients across the wealth spectrum in all 50 states. As of 6/30/24 and subject to change.
Charlotte Lozier Institute – Booth 22
2800 S Shirlington Rd #1200
Arlington, VA 22206
Jeffrey Staab, Director, Educational & Community Engagement
Charlotte Lozier Institute advises and leads the pro-life movement with groundbreaking scientific, statistical, and medical research. We leverage this research by staff and more than 70 Associate Scholars to educate policymakers, the media, and the public on the value of life from fertilization to natural death.
CMDA Psychiatry Section – Booth 46
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Marshall Williams, Administrator
We are a unique professional fellowship of believing psychiatrists providing affiliation and support, clinical and academic collaboration, opportunity for deeper personal ministry, spiritual growth and mission to the community. We promote fellowship and provide community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice.
CMDA Psychiatry Section – Booth 46
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Marshall Williams, Administrator
We are a unique professional fellowship of believing psychiatrists providing affiliation and support, clinical and academic collaboration, opportunity for deeper personal ministry, spiritual growth and mission to the community. We promote fellowship and provide community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice.
CMDA Addiction Medicine Section – Booth 47
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Kurt Bravata, MD, Vice Chair
The CMDA Addiction Medicine Section exists to prevent and treat addiction and transform lives, by God’s grace, love and power. We strive to provide compassionate excellence in all aspects of addiction care, including whole-person prevention and treatment, education, advocacy, empowerment of others, research, church and community partnerships and interprofessional collaboration and support.
CMDA Campus & Community Ministries (CCM) – Booth 51
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Pam Smythe, CCM Administrative Assistant
CMDA Campus & Community Ministries (CCM) is a network of campus and community chapters helping healthcare students and professionals live out the character of Christ in their vocation. With more than 350 campus ministries, representing 90 percent of the nation’s healthcare schools, along professionals as they thrive with a Godly purpose in their healthcare career.
CMDA CCNP – Booth 65
19 Sheldrake Rd.
Neward, DE 19713
Adrienne Abrenica, DNP/Chair of CCNP
As a specialty section of CMDA, we encourage, educate, and challenge members of advanced practice nursing to engage in a deeper, more fulfilling walk with our Savior, equipping us to impact the lives of others with the gospel.
CMDA Global Health Outreach (GHO) – Booth 61
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Alicia Trivett, GHO Program Coordinator
Global Health Outreach is the short-term mission department of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. We send out 40+ missions to over 18 countries each year. Our trips include mobile medical/dental/eyeglass and surgical teams. We offer specialty care teams for refugees, human trafficking relief, orphan care, orthopedic and general surgery.
CMDA- Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative – Booth 60
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Misty Carter, Administrative Assistant
As a ministry of Christian Medical & Dental Associations, Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative (CHEC) is a community of Christian healthcare leaders who inspire and support one another. We seek to encourage connections, promote excellence, integrate faith and work.
CMDA Coaching – Booth 59
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Misty Carter, Administrative Assistant
As a ministry of Christian Medical & Dental Associations, Christian Healthcare Executive Collaborative (CHEC) is a community of Christian healthcare leaders who inspire and support one another. We seek to encourage connections, promote excellence, integrate faith and work.
CMDA Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants ( FCPA ) Specialty Section – Booth 63
21 Tuscany Hill Drive
Middletown, CT 06457
Jack Pike, PA-C
FCPA is a specialty section of CMDA with a mission to provide a support network to Christian physician assistants for their spiritual, professional and personal lives, including informing them about social and bioethical issues, encouraging missional activity, and equipping them to share their faith in all aspects of their lives.
CMDA Side By Side – Booth 48
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Rebecca Lehman, Executive Director
Side By Side focuses on supporting, challenging and uplifting medical marriages to bring glory to Jesus, while positively impacting daily life and fostering deep relationships with each other, our husbands and our Lord. We are a CMDA ministry for women who are married to medical and dental professionals (students, trainees, staff and retirees).
CMDA Marriage Enrichment Commission – Booth 49
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Matthew & Sarah Thelen
The goal of the CMDA Marriage Commission is to stimulate an ongoing process of marital growth by teaching medical and dental couples from a biblical perspective the skills to refocus, rekindle, and recommit to each other as marriage partners and to Jesus Christ as their common bond and Lord.
CMDA Medical Education International (MEI) – Booth 52
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Misty Carter, Administrative Assistant
Medical Education International (MEI) sends short-term teams to teach healthcare professionals and students to advance their knowledge and skills, while modeling and sharing the love and message of Christ with them.
CMDA OBGYN Section-Booth 67
206 Pimlico Place
Lynchburg, VA 24503
John Pierce, Chair, ObGyn Section
The ObGyn Section educates, encourages, and equips Christian Practitioners to use life affirming, Biblical principles to guide competent, compassionate, and scientifically sound women’s healthcare. We promote relationships, comradery, and mentorship amongst students, residents, and practitioners in ObGyn throughout the educational process and the practice of medicine
CMDA Placement Service – Booth 62
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
Allen Vicars, Director, CMDA Placement
Find your faith-filled healthcare career with CMDA Placement Services! We connect physicians, dentists, and advanced practitioners with opportunities nationwide, placing you in ministry-minded environments. Discover God’s plan for your career. To view opportunities or register online, visit www.cmda.org/placement
CMDA Stewardship Development-Booth 50
P.O. Box 7500
Bristol, TN 37621
George Courtney, VP Stewardship Development
The Stewardship Development Ministry of CMDA is committed to promoting a culture of generosity and stewardship among its supporters and members. By engaging personally with supporters and highlighting the impact of their support, the ministry aims to encourage sincere and enthusiastic giving to further the mission of CMDA.
Consult Bridge – Booth 12
1255 Treat Blvd, Suite 300- #412
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Jeff Lee, MD; CEO
Consult Bridge provides a free online platform that connects volunteer physicians with front-line medical missionaries in remote areas worldwide. We invite healthcare professionals to use their skills to support kingdom-focused, mission work abroad-participate anytime, from anywhere.
Crown Hospice of St. Louis-Booth 25
655 Craig Rd Suite 112
Creve Coeur Missouri 63141
At Crown Hospice located in Saint Louis, MO, we extend the same care to our patients, their families, and their caregivers as we would to our own family members. Our approach to care is founded upon principles of compassion and faith. True compassion forms the core of our caregiving, while our faith serves as the fundamental bedrock of our actions. Opting for Crown Hospice means opting for expertise, compassion, and a network of backing.
GFA World- Booth 24
1116 St. Thomas Way
Wills Point, TX 75169
Abe Shaeffer, Recruitment Assistant
We are dedicated to impacting the life and faith of this generation. Since GFA started in 1979, out heartbeat has been to bring physical and spiritual hope to communities across the world- and were now serving more than a dozen Asian nations. Our team is committed o making a difference for families and communities in Asia, all in the name of Jesus.
International Mission Board – Booth 5
3806 Monument Ave
Richmond, VA 23230
Tom Hicks, Director, Global Health Strategies
The International Mission Board (IMB) exists to serve Southern Baptists to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and see a multitude knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ. Through clinical medicine, community health, mental health and medical education, we seek to meet needs and address the world’s greatest problem: lostness.
MedSend-Booth 16
1838 Gold Hill Rd
Fort Mill, SC29708
Corrine Brannaka, Event Manager
The International Mission Board (IMB) exists to serve Southern Baptists to carry out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and see a multitude knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ. Through clinical medicine, community health, mental health and medical education, we seek to meet needs and address the world’s greatest problem: lostness.
Mint Hill Wealth Management – Booth 3
7540 Matthews Mint Hill Road
Mint Hill, NC 28227
Matt Lessman, Chief Operating Officer
We established our firm to help physicians and dentists simplify their financial lives and proactively create wealth. Wo do this by serving as your family’s CFO through the financial planning process and offering a higher level of flexibility and customization in our portfolios.
Global Medical Research Institute (GMRI) - Booth 2
2001 Kyker Bonner Avenue NW
Cleveland, TN 37611
Joshua Brown, PhD, Director
GMRI is a non-profit research institute with a mission of rigorous medical and scientific studies on the effects of Christian healing prayer. We have published a number of peer-reviewed case reports of remarkable healing through prayer and also carry out randomized controlled clinical trials on the medical effects of prayer.
Harvest USA – Booth 19
715 Twining Road, Suite 200
Dresher, PA 19025
Jim Barr, Director of Ministry Partnerships
215-482-0111 x119
The mission of Harvest USA is two-fold. First, Harvest USA seeks to be a resource to the local church, equipping individual’s congregations and the church at large to better care for and disciple those affected by sexual breakdown by providing excellent resources throughout blogs, videos, seminars, presentations, and books to support and strengthen the church. Second, Harvest USA is committed to providing one-on-one discipleship and support groups for men, women, and parents affected by sexual struggles in its Dresher office.
The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary – Booth 8
3909 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204
Katherine Arredondo, Events Manager
The key to any organization is leadership. And the key to any leader is the heart. That’s why our focus at The Hendricks Center is the leader’s heart. Through programs, processes and media resources, we seek to shape leaders who are passionately committed to God and His Word while personally compelled by God’s love for each person.
In His Image – Booth 23
7501 S. Riverside Parkway
Tulsa, OK 74136
Kara Beth Garlington, Recruitment Coordinator
In His Image is a Christ-centered residency that prepares residents to practice in a wide variety of settings. We promote spiritual and personal growth of residents through ongoing fellowship, Bible study, and mentoring by Chrisitan family medicine faculty. In His Image is especially strong in OB, procedural training, rural/underserved populations, international medicine, and human behavior. In His Image offers a wide variety of electives, with international rotations encouraged.
International Christian Medical & Dental Association (ICMDA) – Booth 53
15 Grounds Place
Albany, NY 12205
Shari Falkenheimer, MD, ICMDA North American Regional Secretary
The International Christian Medical and Dental Association includes national CMDAs from 107 countries, including the US. ICMDA helps start and strengthen national CMDAs. It provides free resources including daily devotionals, weekly webinars, and online courses. Its next quadrennial World Congress is scheduled for Jeju Island, South Korea in June 2026.
INMED – Booth 1
2340 E Meyer Blvd, Building 1, Suite 338
Kansas City, MO 64132
Nicholas Comninellis, MD, President and Professor
INMED is a graduate school equipping healthcare professionals and students to serve the world’s most forgotten people. INMED’s premier offerings are the master’s degree in international health (MIH) and the graduate diploma in international medicine and public health (DIMPH). Since 2004, 680 graduates have earned an INMED graduate diploma. Both these credentials include supervised rotations at an INMED service-learning site.
Physicians for Compassionate Care Education Foundation (PCCEF) – Booth 9
P.O. Box 7122
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Sharon Quick, MD, MA, President
Physicians for Compassionate Care Education Foundation (PCCEF) promotes safeguarding vulnerable human lives, especially the terminally ill, through education about the dangers of assisted suicide and euthanasia and the benefits of good palliative care. PCCEF hopes to link patients with practitioners who heal when possible, comfort always and never intentionally harm.
Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) – Booth 20
13630 Belfair Drive
Middleburg, OH 44130
Amanda Allen, Administrative Assistant
Many places in Africa have only one surgeon for a population of 250,000. In other areas, the needs are even greater with only one surgeon for a population of 2.5 million people. The Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) is a strategic response to the need for surgeons/ob/gyns/anesthesiologists in Africa. We are a non-denominational, multinational service organization training African physicians to become surgeons/ob/gyns/anesthesiologists who are willing to remain in Africa to meet these great needs. PAACS also disciples these residents to share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ with their patients. The academic and spiritual training of these residents is offered at several well-established evangelical mission hospitals in Africa, under the direction of experienced, board-certified specialists.
Reaching Indians Ministries International Inc.- Booth 21
1949 Old Elm Road
Lindenhurst, IL 60046
Saji Lukos, President
RIMI is a international, interdenominational evangelical Christian organization established in 1993.Our vision is to advance God’s kingdom through evangelism, church planning, leadership development, and compassion ministries such as orphanages, schools, prevention to keep children from being used for sex trafficking, microfinance loans, healthcare, sanitation and clean water projects.
Shannon Family Medicine Residency Program - Booth 6
3555 Knickerbocker Rd
San Angelo, TX 76904
Chelsea Shields, Program Coordinator
The Shannon Family Medicine Residency Program is a community-based program with personalized instruction from our diverse faculty focused on innovation and teamwork. Gain rural medicine experience and a chance to make a difference in an underserved area serving a 25-county area, about 10 percent of the state of Texas.
Southern Indiana Community Healthcare (SICHC)-Booth 17
420 W Longest Street PO Box 270
Paoli, IN 47454-8821
Brandy Verkamp, Executive Administrative Assistant
SICHC is a faith-driven, nonprofit, Federally Qualified Community Health Center (FQHC). We are committed to providing a broad spectrum of primary health care and integrated mental health to the families and communities of South-Central Indiana. Our mission is to provide high-quality, comprehensive, community-sensitive health care utilizing Christ-oriented principles.
The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity-Booth 15
2065 Half Day Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
Matthew Eppinette, Executive Director
The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity (CBHD) is a Christian bioethics research center alongside Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Trinity Law School that explores the nexus of biomedicine, biotechnology and our common humanity. CBHD fosters a distinctly Christian conception of bioethics that is both academically rigorous and broadly accessible.